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Friday, February 28, 2020

Acne? 9 mistakes that give you more pimples

Acne? 9 mistakes that give you more pimples

Excessive hygiene, toothpaste on the pimples and careless with the moisturizing. These are some common mistakes that can aggravate your acne.
Blackheads, ticks and acne are something that most people get at one time. If you suffer from the latter, there are many different treatments that can help you overcome the problem - which usually comes from within.
But you can also go a long way by reviewing your routines. Here are the mistakes that bring more pimples.

1. You wash your skin too often 

Acne is due to poor hygiene is a long-lived myth. Inflammated sebaceous glands can be due to many different things: hormones, skin type and heredity. Things that can't be done too much. But if you go on that tough myth about hygiene can actually cause even more severe acne. Water and strong cleaning products dry out the skin and increase sebum production. In addition, the skin's natural acid sheath is disrupted. Wash once or twice a day and use mild products - that's enough.

2. You peel with coarse grains  

If you have acne, it may be good to peel the skin occasionally. This means peeling away old dead skin cells, thus preventing them from clogging pores. While chemical peels, such as AHA, lactic and salicylic acid, usually work well for people with acne, it can be trickier with mechanical peels, ie peels with barley in.

Why? Well, it's a treatment that scratches the skin and helps spread the acne bacteria around the face. Like bedding for more pimples.

3. You neglect to change bedding 

The pillowcase is a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt. Residues from hair products, oil and skin deposits accumulate there and can cause acne mechanica, a type of acne that arises from heat and friction.
If you are acne-prone, it may be an idea to review your pillow cases. Even if the fins do not disappear completely, it can be better.
Here you can read about how often you should change bedding to avoid acne mechanica.

4. You do not clean your make-up brushes 

Bacteria thrive in dirty makeup brushes and beauty blenders, and when you pull them over your skin, you risk causing inflammation in your skin. Not so nice, is it?
Make-up tools can be left for quite a long time, if you clean them properly. Washing your brushes and sponges a couple of times a month is a great way to increase the life span and reduce the risk of unwanted skin conditions.
Brushes in silicone can be washed with lukewarm water and detergent. For genuine hair brushes, shampoo works well. Mushrooms can be cleaned with a mixture of olive oil, detergent and water.

5. You do not moisturize 

Many products that are marketed as being adapted for acne and oily skin are not always best for treating pimples, as they contain dehydrating ingredients such as alcohol. Of course, it may work out to dry out the pimples at the moment, but one reason you can get pimples is precisely that the skin is moisturized.
Guilty? Maybe you may want to change your skin setting: Spoil it with moisturizing serum and creams instead of fighting it because of the acne.

6. You treat toothpaste with toothpaste 

Did you wake up with a nasty and uncomfortable inboard chin? Ouch ouch ouch. Not funny! But even if it makes you tempted to do things that stretch for the Colgate tube, you shouldn't. The old housewife's trick for smearing toothpaste on the pimples is not at all the way to a clear and beautiful complexion.

Toothpaste dries out the skin, and you have already read how "effective" it is against acne ...

7. You use products with oil in 

While it is important to moisturize your skin when you are suffering from acne (er, it is always important!), Fat is not something you need to add. If you have acne, you often have a skin type that is oily or combination skin with some fatter areas. Laboring with products containing oils can be a bad idea, as some oils are comodogenic and thus clog the pores.

8. You change skin care products too often 

When you are treated with acne, patience is A and O. Sure, it would be naughty if you got a fantastic complexion right away, but it can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to two months for the skin to get used to a new skin care routine or new products. It is also common to get more pimples, blackheads and plitters in the beginning, but it usually settles after a while.

9. You pinch your pimples ...

Few things are as satisfying as pushing your fingertips against a mature pimple and feeling how it gives way with a little "plop!" It is less fun when the tallow hits a projectile and hits the bathroom mirror with a splash.
And even worse is it now: Squeezing a pimple is nice in the moment (if you succeed now ...) but you risk damaging the sebaceous gland and getting ugly scars. In addition, the inflammation can spread in the skin and give rise to even more acne.

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