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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

The basic health and safety standards in the workplace significantly condition the general working conditions and are a set of measures designed to protect the health of workers, prevent occupational accidents and promote the care of machinery, tools and the materials with which one works. The rules are specified in a set of practices where the key element is the responsible attitude and awareness of all the people it affects.
To facilitate the correct implementation of a management system and as additional evidence of the company's commitment in this field, specific standards and models for occupational health and safety management have been developed, which have a growing international relevance.


The implementation of a occupational health and safety management system greatly facilitates management in the company and improves the involvement of people, thereby achieving an obvious improvement in the competitiveness of the company, in addition to providing multiple additional benefits such as:

Legal compliance:
It facilitates a rigorous fulfillment of the normative and legislative requirements regarding Occupational Risk Prevention in companies.

Raise the awareness of all the agents involved in the company.

Optimizes the cost caused by deficiencies in the management of Occupational Risk Prevention.

Cost effectiveness:
It facilitates the optimal return of the investments made by the company in matters of Occupational Risk Prevention.

There are standards that can be implemented by any organization, whether public or private, regardless of size and sector. This section includes our consulting service for the implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, based on the OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard.

Additionally we have innovative work systems, with which we manage to provide the best quality preventive consulting services and technical rigor of the market:
  • Comprehensive Technical Assistance in occupational risk prevention
  • Coordination of business activities
  • Specific Security Plans
  • Work Plans for companies at risk of exposure to asbestos
  • Explosion Protection Document ( ATEX )
  • Emergency or Self-Protection Plans
  • Specific studies Physical, chemical and biological contamination measurements
  • Implementation of ISO 39001: 2013, specific for road safety management systems.
  •  Advice on compliance with Law 29783 on Occupational Risk Prevention in Peru
  • Advice for compliance with THE WORK RISK AUDIT SYSTEM, SART, in Colombia

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