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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How to reduce fat rather than lean mass

How to reduce fat rather than lean mass

You maintain a strict diet and the scale shows significant weight loss. However, the mirror reflects that you are losing muscle and not the unwanted fat. Have you ever stopped to think that this could be the result of your actions?
Excess body fat is harmful to our body and we really need to lose it. But what happens is, many times, that person eventually invests in a diet that results in more water and large muscles than fat is lost. Therefore, when it comes to weight loss, one has to consider less of what the scale shows and more of what your body says. Losing a healthy weight is one of the only fats to be eliminated.

Why is it better to lose fat and not lean?

Our bodies need lean mass (that is, muscle) and their reduction causes damage to our body. The result is:

  1. Decreased hormone levels
  2. Risk of diabetes
  3. Decrease metabolism
  4. Reduction of anabolic hormone levels
  5. Lack of energy
  6. Losing strength
  7. Sagging
  8. Cellulite

How to Identify Weight Loss

It's not hard to tell if you're losing fat or fat. To do this, simply:

Look in the mirror

This is the very first way to identify that how you are loosing weight. Analyze if you continue to accumulate fat in some parts of the body, even on scales that show less pounds. The appearance of cellulite, sagging and breeches growth are also signs of muscle loss.

Use tape steps

Another way to identify neck mass loss is with the help of tape measure. Measure the circumference of your waist and your upper and lower limbs. If you notice an increase in the stomach and a reduction in other parts, you will eliminate more lean mass. Instead, yes, it is a sign that you are gaining lean mass.

Test your clothes
Your deductions can show you what's hiding the scale. Analyze their goodness on your body, if the blouse is tight on the stomach and the pants are not closed.

Consult an expert

That's the end of gold. Make sure you follow up regularly with your doctor, personal trainer, nutritionist and do the necessary tests. These professionals will be able to better understand what's going on with your body and set up an ideal program for turning things around.

What to do reduce body fat

The main rule is you need to consume more calories than you eat. For this, you need to make a meal plan. Find a nutrition expert, who will set up this program based on your profile, needs and goals.

Physical activity is also important. Bodybuilding, in particular, helps increase calorie expenditure, promotes fat loss and gains in lean mass.

Eat after training. During all these practices, our bodies use a variety of nutrients. If we don't eat, he starts using protein in our muscles to compensate for this loss. So, don't go without eating, thinking that it will help you lose weight. And much more: bet on lean protein!

The final tip is to take rest. This is the best way for your body to recover and thus optimize fat loss. Don't give a good night's sleep and a day's rest.

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