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Monday, March 2, 2020

It is a "scary" coronavirus. Why is it so dangerous and how is it viewed?

It is a "scary" coronavirus. 
Why is it so dangerous and how is it viewed?

With the diagnosis of coronavirus, press releases are scary almost every day. WHAT DO CURRENT COUNTRIES UNDERSTAND AND WHY ARE HOLIDAYS IMPORTANT? We understand what it is and how to recognize it.

Why Coronavirus?

This virus has received an interesting name because of its form of coronavirus. Looking at the microscope, medical scientists noted that it was a crown. Here's the name.

Where does it come from?

Previously, only coronary viruses were considered to be transmitted to animals and only high-quality food was consumed, which could endanger unprocessed raw meat or fish. The particular risk of Coronavirus 2020 is that it has started to spread from one person to another with an air leak. Scientists have yet to explain how and why this viral infection occurred. How to get the right treatment.

On Wednesday January 22, a special WHO meeting was held to discuss the threat with the Coronavus and its defense capabilities. You can decide to develop a special vaccine against these viruses. Admittedly, this can take at least six months and nowadays the virus is spreading and developing.

How is a virus infected?

At its core, the symptoms of the coronary virus are very similar to an acute viral disease or the flu, for example. With fever and shortness of breath. Its prevalence is very similar to the prevalence of pneumonia, compared to "SARS" recorded a few years ago in China itself. Therefore, the death rate from dangerous viruses was 10%.

In addition to fever and wind breathing, the patient may develop cough, drowsiness and reduced activity, anorexia, and worsening of the general condition. X-rays also reflect changes in the lungs. In some cases, it can be hidden like stomach flu, with diarrhea and vomiting.

How are coronaviruses treated?

There is no specific treatment for these viruses. Therefore, they are treated with sympathy - lowering the temperature, breathing more easily, supporting the body with the procedures and associated drugs.

How do you protect yourself ?

Like all viruses, the virus is not 100 percent protected. It is transmitted by air droplets and can spread quickly. To avoid getting infected, doctors recommend that you visit less frequented places so often, wash your hands more often, use respirators to protect the respiratory organs, and avoid zoos and meat gardens. The fact is that animals can be infected with the virus even while traveling, even bottled water and cooked food can be consumed.

And for the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

-as well as pets

Crown viruses are dangerous not only for humans but also for animals: animals and pets. At the same time, cats and dogs can adapt and recover without undue interference. In addition, the disease (fever, weight loss, paralysis and death) is severely observed in 10% of the animals.

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