Dreams have fascinated in all times and cultures. Theories of parallel worlds, foresight and contact with ancestors today generally have low credibility. Surely, though, an unusually strong dream can stay with you after you wake up.
What are dreams?
Easily, dreams are described as impressions and stories that take place in our brain, usually during sleep. Many issues that affect sleep in general and dreams in particular do not yet have scientific explanations.
Why do we dream?
The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, said that dreams are a tool for fulfilling our desires and providing an outlet for subconscious desires and needs. In Freud's explanatory model, dreams have both a superficial and latent content, where the literal act of the dream conceals an underlying psychological significance.
How superficial dreams should be interpreted Freud described in detail in the book Dream Interpretations, but as with many of the Austrian doctor's theories, a large part of dream interpretation seems to lead to metaphors for sexual desire. Today, the book is considered, above all, as a curious milestone in psychology as a field of research and dream interpretation is regarded as unscientific - albeit exciting. There remains the fact that some dreams seem to occur more often than others. Dreams of falling, being naked in public or losing teeth seem to be common in connection with, for example, stress, so perhaps dream interpretation is not completely useless after all.
Another theory you may come across is the cognitively based problem solving theory. It assumes that with the help of dreams, unbound by logic and other constraints, we find creative solutions to problems in our everyday lives. A saying that fits well with the theory is to "sleep on it", but the question is how helpful most of our dreams actually are. This theory also lacks scientific support.
Although researchers do not yet agree on why we dream, dreams are believed to fulfill a number of functions. Among other things, dreams are believed to help us manage emotions, prepare us for future threats, act as a source of inspiration and memory storage.
Do we dream every night?
Everybody dreams every night, although the ability to remember a dream seems to vary. Among other things, where in your sleep cycle you affect how well you remember what just went on in your subconscious mind. It is known that we dream most strongly during the REM sleep, which falls at about 90 minutes apart and becomes ever further towards the end of the sleep cycle.
What are we dreaming about?
Although we associate the dream world with fantastic places and events, we often dream of environments and people we recognize from our everyday lives, albeit unbound by logic and physical limitations. Most often, a dream starts from the previous day as well as impressions and situations that have affected us greatly. In dream studies where subjects were raised to report what they dreamed, the results unfortunately shown. that about 80% of our dreams are about something negative.
Why do I dream nightmares?
Nightmares occur under the same conditions as regular dreams, with the longest and most vivid during REM sleep, which usually occurs at 90-minute intervals. Nightmares are common among children, and in adults they most often occur as a reaction to stress, anxiety and traumatic events. Nightmares are rarely dangerous in themselves, but often lead to waking up suddenly with a high pulse and a fear of falling asleep. In case of repeated nightmares you may be adversely affected, especially by the following sleep deprivation. To avoid nightmares, you should maintain a regular daily rhythm, try to unwind the hours before bedtime, and avoid alcohol, which contributes to poor sleep. If you experience nightmares affecting you negatively, especially if you have suffered a trauma, feel physically or mentally ill or take medication, you should contact a doctor who can refer you to a psychologist or sleep specialist.
What are Ready Dreams?
It may happen that you are questioning what is happening in the middle of the dream. If you have identified your dream as just a dream, it often happens that you still dream or wake up. However, with the help of lucid dreaming technology, or “Lucid Dreaming,” you can stay in, and control, your dream world.
How are clear dreams achieved?
Gaining control of your dream world requires both training and time. Initially, you should learn to identify the signs that you are dreaming, followed by the art of not waking yourself up during the discovery. In addition to the obvious allure of being able to decide on their own "reality", the ability to dream clearly is useful if you are often exposed to nightmares.
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