Recently, during the "feeling management" exercise, one of the participants in the public debate: you cannot compare physical and mental illnesses. Mental pain is stronger. Physically - goes without a trace, but the soul never goes! This issue is a serious discussion.
And is it very interesting? It is possible to compare pain with physical and mental injuries. What are their common characteristics? What is the biggest difference? Let's talk!
When I cut my finger, I first feel a sign from the end of the nerve at the point of intersection, which would have a traumatic effect on these ends. Not in the muscles and in the tendons, but in the nerve cells. And if I take the necessary measures to stop the blood, the wound will heal quickly, without special effort. I don't see any trouble. This is important!
Regeneration is a powerful function of protecting the body. And he will do his job. One day, in the cut, once a week, there will be a veil once a year, and it will be hard to remember the cut.
If the cutting is too strong, surgery must reset the tissues and then the same algorithm: bites, scratches, scars and memories.
But there is only one common feature in all physical damage - regeneration, the ability to repair tissues without wounds.
Find spiritual earth now. What happened in this case? I'm mentally ill. Tell me the tragic news. And ... The nervous system clearly sees and interprets information. But how did he do it? Based on my internal filter:
trust, trust, evaluation, hope. That is, it is based on rapid (urgent) activity. Or in aggregates - higher neuronal activity. But what happened later or not?
Regeneration! It happens that mental recovery does not only work with an emphasis on emotions and emotional state. It does not work with force as physical force. But he didn't work because my voluntary efforts realized that this was necessary.
Without them you can count on recovery. Then I didn't heal the spiritual clay, but I hid it in my memory in the far corner. That is why the pain is there as soon as the provocative case occurs. He didn't go anywhere. I don't work, I don't want to hide or ... hide my pain! This condition can be compared to long abscesses hidden under the mesh of the eye's eye.
When we talk about what a person does, we must always be secret, but alive, from physical wounds - pain from healing and spiritual healing! What is more painful? Think of the lemon. Now take it out of the fridge and eat it. Which experience is clearer?
What to do? How can I get rid of spiritual wounds?
More importantly, mental injury - not allowed! No matter how bad the surprise is. How easy. This is voluntary and conscious work. Say goodbye to all your people in my life, but what can be lost from it, including benefits, money, status, good and dear people. Say goodbye and accept that anyone can leave their life whenever they want. Then - worry about the unwanted consequences and from now on I understand that the sun will flow, that the grass will be green and that the world will continue.
Special techniques. "Spiritual insurance". It can be used for things, events, people. Take a cell phone, for example. Precautionary measures.
Good morning and go into your life. He literally plays. Ask the question: Is yours yours? Shall we become friends? Find the answer! Be happy.
Remove from your life. This can be done in various ways. Just like paper, glass, you just have to turn off the light or remove the image.
Make sure you live. I am still alive. And you smile.
And if the pain has already happened, there will be more work if you can't stand it. How it works To begin with, let the pain happen ... You can do more effort than a direct experiment to combat it in times of crisis. So - let him go ... and then take care of your body Massage, swimming, gymnastics, relaxation ...
When the body is at rest, it can continue to understand, understand and accept, if it has physical strength. It looks cool when looked from the outside and needs internal energy to shape the world. Icon changes your mind! When work is done, emotional wounds heal, and if I make no claims about myself, people or the world, I will still be painful. Happy memories don't come back. Bone does not grow because skin blemishes lose sensitivity.
I wish you security, wisdom and perseverance.
Healthy and happy, mental and physical!
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