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Monday, March 2, 2020



Hello and simple guidelines for increasing self-esteem

Healthy daily routines

More and more people are talking about the importance of self-esteem. He is aware that we must look positively, with love, with caution, with caution. In order to achieve compatible health and quality of life, it is essential to develop healthy daily habits.

Modern life means quality in the simplest things in life, which does not require real happiness, money, technology or sophistication, although we think we need many things to feel good and happy: breathe freely, eat properly, sleep, drink water, move and have healthy thoughts.

To start a good day, we need to deal with our awakening. A very unpleasant habit that many have is to wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. But how to change yourself without wasting time? A good option is the vibrator of your mobile phone. When we have a habit of waking up every day, the vibration of the device is enough to wake us up. But if sound is needed, how about choosing soft music instead of loud and loud?

And if you wake up or wake up from someone, how about talking about the best way to wake up? Some prefer to be awake with light, others with sound, others with touch. Each of them has their own preferences and, although we all prefer to wake up naturally, it is good to find ways to wake up that guarantee the good mood of the morning, without the need to make an appointment.

Still in bed, do not forget to stretch the habit of the old and healthy, as long as we leave the rush of daily life. How long can we last? Not five minutes! And it will make a big difference throughout the day.


Get up, get ready for routine work, make sure you eat your first meal. If you do not have time for this, try to wake up earlier, but have breakfast before applying for work. And even if you do not have to follow a diet, try to eat every 3 hours. In addition to feeding your body well, you should take short breaks in what you are doing. It uses the opportunity to drink water, which is one of the main habits for health. And if you work while standing, get up and go for a walk, even in the bathroom.

In addition to short breathing exercises, these are times when you can breathe slowly and deeply, hold your breath for a few seconds and breathe through your mouth. Several breathing cycles cause immediate relaxation due to increased oxygenation of the body, which relieves physical and mental stress. These short breaks throughout the day offer a significant increase in efficiency. By raising your awareness, you will see that you return to your activity with your body position and tension of your thoughts and from then on you can become more aware of these factors.

You can follow a very easy tip of the main tables, breakfast, lunch and dinner: variety of colors! A colorful mass in which the sections are balanced and not available in excess will bring health, balance and well-being. Eating, digesting and avoiding problems that bother you during meals helps to absorb and digest food. When you return to work, five minutes of relaxation and breathing will make a big difference!


Equally important to feel good all day is to rest and prepare for a good sleep. Set a suitable time for sleep and turn off all electronic devices in your room, such as a computer, TV or stereo. When you fall asleep, try to calm your breath and take into account beautiful images, beautiful things, happy, real or imagined situations. This positively affects your sleep and dreams.


  • Work out! Regular physical activity is very valuable for your health and self-esteem
  • Set a time for daily reflection or reading
  • Listen or play music, paint, dance: artistic activities work the right brain, helping to balance emotions
  • Keep your social life active. Take time for friends or make new friends
  • Take part in some social work: this gives new dimensions to the day-to-day challenges
  • Get to know simple meditation techniques and practice a few minutes a day. You will be surprised!

If you read all of this, you found it very interesting, but you do not feel able to adopt some changes in
habits that you consider important for your life, try to focus on one point at a time. Practice for a week or two and just after you incorporate the habit, set yourself a new goal. And it is possible that some suggestions are impractical for you, depending on the type of activity you do. The important thing is not to lose sight of the goal and to be able to adapt the routines so that they are possible in your day-to-day life. Ask for help from a Naturologist professional if you feel that you are not managing to incorporate the new attitudes that you consider important on your own!

Everyone is able to live with more balance and health. Try, your self-esteem will thank you!

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