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Sunday, July 16, 2023

6 Stomach Diseases That Can Trouble You

6 Stomach Diseases That Can Trouble You

Abdominal pain is very common. However, when fruit salt becomes part of your routine, it's a warning sign! After all, very frequent abdominal pain can be related to stomach diseases, such as reflux, gastritis and ulcers. Stress, poor diet and the presence of bacteria top the list of causes, but these diseases can be caused by a variety of reasons, you see? Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of each gastric disease to seek professional help and start the right treatment. So that you can know this topic better, I have prepared this post with 6 main diseases of stomach or accessory glands of digestive system. Just look!

1. Gastroesophageal Reflux

Anyone who thinks reflux is just a baby is wrong! This is a problem that also affects adults and is characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. Result? Excessive burning and, in more severe cases, severe chest pain.

It is caused by a malfunction of the sphincter (a type of valve) that is located between the esophagus and the stomach. Anyone can suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, but some are at higher risk:

That he has a habit of eating too much before going to bed.
Excessive coffee or tea drinkers, acidic foods and alcoholic beverages.
A diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux is made if the gastroenteritis involves the use of medications that control the production of acid in the stomach. In addition, changes in eating habits are often recommended.

2. Gastritis

Now, if your stomach pains are so severe that they make you sleepless, beware: it could be gastritis! It is an inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by severe heartburn, severe abdominal pain and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

This inflammation can happen occasionally (acute gastritis) or stay with the person for months (chronic gastritis). The main reason for this is a weakening of the mucosal barrier that lines the stomach, causing digestive juices to twist it and damage the tissue of the stomach wall.

Usually, this is due to weakness:
  • High tension
  • Overuse of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Alcohol and drug use.
  • Diseases that suppress the immune system, such as autoimmune diseases and AIDS.
  • Treatment includes the use of antacids, changing habits, and in some cases, antibiotics.

3. Stomach Ulcer

The term "ulcer" means sore; So, as you may have already noticed, a stomach ulcer consists of one or more sores in the stomach wall. The main symptoms are:
  • Severe pain in the area.
  • Nausea after eating.
  • Abdominal distension.
  • In some cases, blood in the stool due to bleeding in the abdominal wall.
Stomach ulcers are usually the result of severe weakening of the protective lining of the stomach, i.e. gastritis, hereditary factors or even impaired action of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Not to mention that consuming irritating foods, such as caffeine and pepper, as well as sugars and fats, can make the situation worse. Despite appearing to be a serious problem, ulcers are usually easily treated with medications and changes in eating habits.

4. Stomach Cancer

The highest risk is stomach cancer, a cancer that develops from a tumor in the lining of the stomach. There are usually no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. For example:
  • Scarcity on the way
  • Rapid weight loss, with difficulty gaining weight.
  • Difficulty digesting.
  • Get your belly.
  • Indigestion and frequent nausea.
  • Blood in the stool.
As you can see, other stomach problems cause a lot of irritation. So if you have these symptoms, it is always good to see a doctor. You should ask for evidence to overturn your will.

If the biopsy video confirms cancer, treatment consists of surgery to remove the tumor tissue. Apart from this, the patient has to undergo doctor and chemotherapy sessions.

5. Gallstones

Stones are not in the stomach, but in a nearby gland, the gall bladder. Like kidney stones, these are small crystals that form bile, which helps the gallbladder digest substances.

Its main symptom is abdominal pain and pain at rest and a few minutes after eating with biliary colic.

No one is responsible for the formation of gallstones, but it may be related to hormonal imbalances or imbalances in the amount of bile solutes and cholesterol. They are more sensitive to sound
  • People who lose weight too quickly.
  • Pregnant women or women who have just given birth.
  • Those whose diet is high in fat and cholesterol.
  • Patients using high doses of estrogen.
Treatment consists of a restricted diet, in which the use of fatty foods, sausages and industrial salts is prohibited.

The incredible aura of bile, even when the stone represents the pancreas, which we'll talk about later, is necessary for bile absorption.

6. The Question of the Pancreas

Explain the previously declared innocence of the pancreas. It is related to gallstones because in some cases small stones enter the pancreatic duct and block the duct that carries pancreatic secretions, which doesn't matter.

It is used for the very common cause of pancreatic insufficiency, which can become a chronic disease. Symptoms of son:

A lot of stomach pain, which you may have.
  • Eat belly
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and face)

Pancreatic conditions require immediate treatment, as the deterioration may worsen and the patient may go into shock. For this reason, hospitalization is done in such a way that the patient receives complete hydration with the product. As the HA process relaxes, the self appears to decrease. However, it is very important that if pancreatitis is a symptom, find the problems behind the stones or alcohol consumption and work to fix it, so that it does not return. If you can see that diseases of the stomach and organs of the system are not always curable, it is even more important to talk about them for timely recognition. In everything we can always do better, like food.

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